Subway offers up one lucky sandwich lover the chance to get unlimited subs in exchange for tattooing a footlong on their body.
How much do you love sandwiches? Serious question.
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If your love is strong, you might be just the person Subway is looking for in the latest competition. They’re promising unlimited sandwiches to the first person willing to get a footlong sub tattooed on themselves. The viral moment is set to take place on Wednesday, where they're summoning all sandwich fans in the Las Vegas area. The challenge? Get a 12” by 12” logo of Subway’s ‘Subway Series’ on their back or sternum in exchange for free sandwiches for life (or $50,000 in gift cards!)
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Not feeling up to that big of a tattoo? Subway is also awarding prizes for smaller tattoos too, 3” by 3” can get you one year of free sandwiches. Read more about the competition here.
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And if you change your mind, NAAMA is always here to clear it ;)