We asked people why they chose the LightSense™ picosecond laser for tattoo removal
On a timeline of laser tattoo removal technology, LightSense™ sits at the front as the newest method of clearing unwanted ink from the skin. This is why we are sometimes asked - is LightSense™ a picosecond laser at all? Or is it in a class of its own?
Is LightSense™ a pico laser?
The answer is that LightSense™ is a type of picosecond laser, just one with an extremely short pulse width of only eight picoseconds.
After 30,000 successful treatments, we’re proud to share the testimonials of clients who chose LightSense™ over other, older picosecond technologies.
These are the experiences of people who tried LightSense™ over other lasers, and the reasons why they did so in the first place.
Spoiler: pain-free tattoo removal is a key concern for many.
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LightSense™ has a 92x shorter pulse width when compared to the average pico laser. The pulse of light touches the skin for just eight picoseconds, far shorter than with older technologies. This limits skin damage and reduces pain.
We’re happy to point to studies that show just that.

Talk to one of our experts to start your removal journey
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For Bilal, fading a tattoo he'd outgrown relied first and foremost on finding the exact right laser for his skin. One that was backed by clinical studies and credentials.
Fortunately, Bilal found the FDA-cleared, CE-certified, LightSense™ laser system.
“I’m picky, I’ve done my homework,” he told NAAMA.
His candid take on the tattoo removal landscape today: other tattoo removers "are still holding on to the materials and equipment that they’ve had for ten years.”
While we'll swerve commenting on that specifically, we will say that as a cutting-edge technology developed out of Princeton University, LightSense™ is far from outmoded, under constant development and improvement as it is.
Bilal found the newest laser tattoo removal technology, and went for it.

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Anyone wondering if there are people out there who have tried other lasers should look at Lizzie’s story on our website. She has experience with another traditional laser and LightSense™.
“What drew me to NAAMA was it said on the website that it’s less painful and I thought - surely not. Because it was so painful before [with another laser]. I did loads of research and read all the reviews," she told NAAMA.
"I came in for my test patch and I couldn't believe it. I remember when she first did it I was like, is that it?” On the issue of any potential pain, she clarified, “It hurts a little bit but it’s nothing compared to what I have had before.”

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Jack put the contrast in a starker light.
“Traditional laser tattoo removal is like someone taking a hot poker and stabbing you multiple times around the area until you can’t take it anymore; leaving you blistered and sore for weeks. I don’t even know how the skin repairs from it, it’s so bad. With NAAMA, it’s like little, short, sharp bursts of light that sting a little bit at first and then it’s done in minutes.”
Pain is such a non-issue that Jack was able to fit treatments in with his busy and active schedule as a lifestyle coach.
Mic drop. We’ll say nothing more.
Talk to one of our experts to start your removal journey
Why is it difficult to answer the question, does laser tattoo removal hurt?
Can of worms open.
What we say: pain is an incredibly subjective phenomenon. One person’s mild discomfort is another’s burning hot poker.
It is therefore difficult to give an answer that will apply to every different situation, tattoo, and client.
What we mean: unlike pulse width, measured in good old picoseconds, or successful treatments, measured in happy, satisfied clients, we are yet to have a 100% accurate way to measure pain. It is a feeling, it is qualitative, and it is mysterious.
As we are consultants, dermatologists, experts, physicists, copywriters, and not magicians, we avoid dealing with the mysterious. Preferably, we’ll answer this one with a non-evasive - read all of our client stories for anecdotal evidence and then try a consultation and patch test yourself.
For trends in breakthrough laser tattoo removal technology, here are NAAMA's top laser FAQs.
What is the best laser for tattoo removal?
What is the newest laser technology for tattoo removal?
Talk to one of our experts to start your removal journey